Legislation to repeal and replace the Copyright Act, Cap C28 LFN, 2004, has been passed by the National Assembly.
The House of Representatives passed the Bill on Wednesday, July 27th, 2022, in concordance with the Senate, which passed it on April 6th, 2022.
Following a clause-by-by-clause review by the Committee of the Whole, the Green Chamber passed the Bill on its third reading and in its entirety.
The new legislation ensures that copyright in the digital world is properly regulated, protected, and administered in accordance with global best practices.
Clause 1 of the Bill outlines the four main goals of the legislation: (a) strengthen the copyright regime in Nigeria to enhance its creative industries’ competitiveness in a digital and knowledge-based global economy; (b) effectively protect the rights of authors to ensure just rewards and recognition for their intellectual efforts; (c) encourage cultural interchage; (d) ensure access to creative works.
According to Dr. Asein, Nigeria’s Director-General, the New Copyright Bill is a catalyst for revitalizing the country’s creative sector.
For him, this was a turning point in Nigerian copyright law, as it was the first successful legislative intervention in intellectual property under a democratic government.
Dr. Asein extended gratitude to the leadership of the National Assembly and the prominent legislators for their dedication to supporting the Government’s efforts to reform the copyright system throughout the legislative procedure.
Additionally, he expressed gratitude to all involved in the copyright industry for their tenacity and commitment to the reform effort.